
Showing posts from May, 2020

11 years later

I've just fallen a little bit in love with myself, aged 38. I started this blog in October 2008 and I've just rediscovered both the blog and a side of myself I'd almost entirely forgotten. Not the reader, that's remained a constant in the 11 years since I gave up on the blog, but the writer. And I was quite funny back then; who knew? I started 'readingwithdrawal' to record a month without reading. I'd decided I was reading instead of living, and with two little boys that was unconscionable, so I stopped. From the first post: "I read a lot. The usual ways: in bed, over breakfast, on the sofa in front of the TV, Saturday mornings with a cup of tea. The unusual ways: in traffic, brushing my teeth, while cooking, a book propped up on the sill as I do the dishes. On the toilet, of course. And the rest, which I'm not proud of: while driving, while ignoring my kids." So I gave up reading for a month. "Of course, following Barbara's* le...