Graham Norton, Andrew Sean Greer_5 & 6

It's not fair to compare the next two books although both have white, gay, male protagonists. Actor and comedian—and novelist—Graham Norton's 'Home Stretch' is a good book, heartfelt and with an engaging storyline. But 'Less' by Andrew Sean Greer is a whole different order of excellent. It won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 2018, so. Greer's book is both funny and clever and absolutely beautifully written—hence the Pulitzer. Norton's book caught my interest early with a tragedy and a mystery. But I took 'Less' on holiday expecting to abandon it once read; expectations were low despite the Pulitzer sticker on the cover. That sticker keep me reading despite disliking the main character, but then it caught me and held me and the book came back from the beach having earned a permanent slot on my shelf. A marvellous book. The Norton goes back to Mum.