“Strange customs, you know?”. Duncan Peck is ‘The Last Good Man’ of the title. A hard man, hard to like, but he knows right from wrong and that’s going to matter in this village on the moors, “a village living in the shadow of an enormous wall”. Anyone can write on the wall, and if its written, there are consequences. There’s no law, just the will of the people written on the wall. Flee, and the chasers will hunt you down and bring you back to be burdened—literally burdened, a fridge tied to your back—or placed in the stocks, or wounded. And then it’s done, the crime forgiven, justice done. Peck’s a stranger, newly arrived from the dystopian horror of the city and deeply invested in finding a safe haven in this place. But, he can’t help think. But. “The wall, in that moment, seems to Peck to be alive in its malignancy, conscious in its efforts to do them harm, and he would not be surprised to see the lines between slabs open and close with the slight course of breathing.” Thomas M...