Emma Young_57

Cait Copper's cat has dreadlocks so we know which of the two blokes she'll end up with in 'The Last Bookshop', and yet the predictable plot doesn't reduce the joy of this lovely book one iota. Cait runs a bookstore in Perth, Western Australia—so I'm hooked right there. Emma Young is a bookseller turned author and it shows; this book is filled with bookshop lore and the best kind of conversations you have with book-loving friends—recommendations, distractions and "I've read that, too" moments. 

"People always seemed to exist in blissful ignorance of their unbelievable good fortune at being able to purchase an original work of art, that had taken anywhere from a year to ten years to write, guaranteed to provide many hours of entertainment and education and insight, for as little as ten or twenty dollars... She would never understand it." Well said, Cait (and Emma). 
