Lee Child_69
This copy of Lee Child's 'Bad Luck and Trouble' got caught in a storm (my fault entirely) so reading it meant carefully peeling apart each damp page... but such is my passion for Jack Reacher that I couldn't wait for it to dry off. This is the 11th book of roughly 25 (and may Christmas 2021 bring another one as it has for time immemorial, amen). 'Trouble' reunites Reacher—former badass Army MP special investigator, now enigmatic drifter—with the remnants of his former unit. Cue the bad guys and gun sales and fist fights and corruption at the highest levels, etc. 'Trouble' isn't classic Jack Reacher—way too much self-reflection and teamwork for that—but it sits in my personal top 10 for Reachers, largely because of the central role of scary/awesome former sergeant Frances Neagley, one of the many hyper-capable women that populate Lee Child's quietly feminist fictional universe.