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The night the Titanic sunk, SS Californian was within sight. Second Officer Herbert Stone saw the distress rockets fired by the Titanic and told his Captain, who—irritated and arrogant—did nothing. By morning, 1,500 people were dead. 'The Midnight Watch' is a novel which manages the grey between fact and fabrication beautifully. Author David Dyer brings both empathy and a keen, intellectual curiosity (embodied in the flawed journalist narrator) to the story of these men, their families and the political and cultural response to the greatest maritime tragedy the world had ever seen. 'The Midnight Watch' is a cracking read with all the voyeuristic appeal of this infamous tragedy, and yet—the perfect combination—is reflective, emotionally engaging and beautifully crafted.
Dyer is Australian, a former ship's officer and Titanic obsessive, currently an English teacher with a Doctorate in Creative Arts from UTS; lucky, lucky students.