Gregory Manning_65
The reading gods delivered 'Love, Greg & Lauren' to Hello St Marks in the week before the 20th anniversary of 9/11, which was spooky. Greg Manning's wife Lauren was entering the lobby of the World Trade Centre on the morning of 11 September 2001—running a little late—when she was engulfed in a fireball; minutes later, with burns to 82% of her body, she was in an ambulance and not expected to live. She remained in hospital for 90 days, emerging triumphant and thanking God, in December. Greg started writing detailed daily email updates on Lauren's condition on 19 September, and had a publishing deal by late October. This is a moving story, and a worthy book; a story of resilience and love and grit. It can't help also being a story about money and class, and the glorious healing power of wealth.